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Adoration II Eucharistic Hymns - Daughters of St Paul - Music CD
SKU: 91063
Adoration 2 is the second of two collections of Eucharistic Hymns by the Daughters of St. Paul.
Track Listing:
- Beautiful Savior
- Lead Me, Lord
- Tantum Ergo-Instrumental
- I Lift Up My Soul
- Panis Angelicus
- The Majesty and Glory of Your Name
- Be Thou My Vision-Instrumental
- Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts
- Who Will Separate Me?
- What Wondrous Love
- Be Not Afraid-Instrumental
- You Are Near
- O Lord, Hear My Prayer
- In God Alone
- Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence-Instrumental
- Artist: Daughters of St. Paul
- Product Type: CD
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