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Before I Was Born - David Haas - Music CD
SKU: 91071
Before I Was Born. Once again, David Haas breaks new ground with the music collection Before I Was Born. This collection truly celebrates the new millennium with energy, providing new contemporary sounds with settings for Eucharist, sacramental celebrations, various seasons of the liturgical year, and celebrations that involve young people.
Ideal for millennium celebrations, Pentecost, and celebrations of initiation, You Make All Things New and Breath of Life stir the soul and invoke the Spirit. This collection also features songs that reach out to teens and the young-at-heart, especially With You by My Side, which has already become a popular piece for liturgies, retreats, and other events with young people. David adds a powerful arrangement of the well-known spiritual Give Me Jesus, and composer friends Lori True and Derek Campbell also contribute songs. This is truly a diverse and spiritually powerful collection for worship and prayer!
Track Listing & Sound samples:
- You Make All Things New
- Before I Was Born
- Breath of Life
- Lead Me To Your Home
- To Be A Servant
- Song of the Temptation
- He Is Not There (Derek Campbell)
- A Light Shines
- I Cry To You (Lori True)
- Open the Gates
- All I Want
- Lord It Is Good
- Give Me Jesus
- With You By My Side
- Artist: David Haas
- Product Type: CD